Poster (ver. for 50BELL) | Design by 조혜림

Main Poster | Design by 조혜림

Exhibition Plan and Artist Statement | Graphic and Text by 50BELL

Before Moonlight
from Time Traveller
pigment print on paper
1,000 × 1,500 mm.
Berlin, 2017

from Portraits of the Digital Generation
pigment print on paper
270 × 210 mm.
Berlin, 2016

from Portraits of the Digital Generation
pigment print on paper
270 × 210 mm.
Berlin, 2016

from 50BELL’s Guide : Beyond Perspective
pigment print on paper
1,000 × 750 mm.
Jeju, 2020

Silver Lining | Film by Songfrang
video, colour, sound (stereo)
04:42 min.
Jeju, South Korea, 2021
실버 라이닝
Silver Lining
기간: 2021.2.11. – 2.17.
장소: 새탕라움
주소: 제주특별자치도 제주시 서사로5길 15-2
주최/주관: 트멍
후원: 새탕라움
오영종 (50BELL)
송미현 (Songfrang)
오건욱 (OYOON)
기획: 조혜림, 김성희, 김리브가
디자인: 조혜림
영상 제작: 송미현 (Songfrang)
오영종 (50BELL)
송미현 (Songfrang)
오건욱 (OYOON)
기획: 조혜림, 김성희, 김리브가
디자인: 조혜림
영상 제작: 송미현 (Songfrang)